who we are

We are creative chameleons who take on different roles and interests according to the clients we serve. Somedays we are completely enamored by the psychology of real estate selling, other days we are head first immersed in swatches and fabrics for a clothing line.

Who we are is what our clients want us to be; completely invested in the project at hand.

David Kaufman


Meilech Gross

Senior Strategist

Sruly Walter

Office Manager

Gitty Weider

Project Manager

Malky Jacobowitz

Project Manager

Levy Grunwald

Copywriter &

Sarah Daskal

Creative Thinker &

Faigy Weinberger


Jacob Weingarten

Executive Director

Henny Stuhl

Executive Assistant

Asher Spitzer


Lazer Gandel


Tranie Green

Social Media Director

Fraidy Smilowitz

Senior Designer

Yides Fuchs

Designer & Layout Expert

Perry Friedman


Baila Spitzer


what we do

We take the brainchild of our clients and raise them, groom them, prod them,
until they are products, projects and brands that make their owners proud.

Branding & Packaging

Experts of visual communication, we craft brands and design that connect to consumers. With in-depth research and attention to detail, the elements we create are timeless.

  • Understanding the MVP
  • User Story Creation
  • Technical Architecture
  • Technical Specifications
  • Brand Direction
  • Growth Tools Integration

Marketing & Advertising

Your success relies on our imagination. From non-profit campaigns to advertising strategies, your projects will be bursting with creativity and effectiveness.

  • User Experience
  • Web & Mobile UI
  • Conversion focused
  • Brand Development
  • Video & Animation
  • Email Campaigns

Web & Social

With a dedicated department of savvy professionals, Dart Media opens you up to the wide web of opportunities. Let’s start building your website or increasing the traffic and following to the platforms you use.

  • SaaS Products
  • WebGL & Canvas
  • PHP/GoLang/Node.js etc
  • JS/Angular/Backbone etc
  • HTML5/CSS3

how we do

That’s like asking your grandma for the recipe of her famous confection. But if you insist, these are the conventions we follow in our recipe for success.

Getting to know you and your business is key to a long-lasting relationship. What’s the story behind your brand, what makes it unique, what are its struggles? All are important pieces that shape your business.
We conduct detailed and intense research to understand your industry’s challenges and patterns. Analyzing reports, interviewing customers, comparing competitors all help us in our hunt for clarity.
We then present our findings to you. We will explain the position we believe you should take, the approach to pursue, or the improvisations to consider.
Once our path has been decided, we create the visual and verbal implementations that embody the strategy we chose to embrace. Each piece is painstakingly crafted and rigorously perfected.
Once again, we present the artwork and media to you. You are most likely going to be blown away, which means that the Dart Engine only needs to works faster, proofing, printing, placing, producing some 100% certified Dart Magic.